
Heinrich Quincke in 1897 reported the first cases of IIH shortly after he introduced the lumbar puncture into medicine. It was named pseudotumor cerebri in 1904 but was not well delineated clinically until the 1940's when cerebral angiography was added to pneumoencephalography to identify cases of cerebral mass lesions. Foley coined the term benign intracranial hypertension in 1955 but reports from the 1980's demonstrated a high incidence of visual loss 1) 2) and the term “benign” is no longer appropriate.

The German ophthalmologist Eugen von Hippel first described angiomas in the eye in 1904.

Arvid Lindau described cerebellar angiomas and spine in 1927.

The term von Hippel-Lindau disease was first used in 1936, however its use became common only in the 1970s.

Anton von Eiselsberg was the first to resect a cerebral tumor at the First Surgical Clinic at the General Hospital in Vienna in 1904. He successfully removed a cerebral glioma.

Although the translabyrinthine approach was described by Panse in 1904 and first used to resect a cerebellopontine angle tumor by Quix in 1912, it was not until House published 47 resections with no mortalities in 1964 that the approach was truly popularized 3)

Corbett JJ, Savino PJ, Thompson HS, et al. Visual loss in pseudotumor cerebri. Follow-up of 57 patients from five to 41 years and a profile of 14 patients with permanent severe visual loss. Arch Neurol. 1982;39:461–474.
Wall M, Hart WM, Jr., Burde RM. Visual field defects in idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri) Am J Ophthalmol. 1983;96:654–669.
Doig JA. Surgical treatment of acoustic neuroma. The translabyrinthine approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 1970;63:775
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